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5 Big Advantages of Your Own Online Ordering System for Restaurants

5 Big Advantages Website Blog Post

Now, more than ever, having an online presence is an absolute must for all restaurants. Restaurants are looking for alternatives to their usual structure and functioning. It is necessary to survive the economic climate brought by the coronavirus pandemic. Most have turned to Online Ordering and a steady digital presence to make for the lack of foot traffic. In this article, we give you 5 big advantages of having your own online ordering system.

Advantage #1: Online Ordering Will Drive More Revenue

When guests order online they end up spending more of their money on your business. The main factor at play is human psychology. Your guests will not feel as rushed as if they were ordering on the phone, so they end up ordering more items. Additionally, since systems like Webdiner’s online ordering system work fast on all devices and are available both as an app and through the web browser, everyone can use them. And get the best experience. On average, online orders are 23% large than non-Internet orders. Its a win for you and your guests as they will likely order extra menu items from you in an even more convenient way.


Advantage #2: Orders Become More Accurate

With online ordering, fewer mistakes happen in the ordering process. First, the guest is entirely responsible for ordering, so your staff has one less thing to worry about. Secondly, since the guests aren’t feeling rushed, they are able to be extra mindful of their order.  You save money by having fewer members of staff tending to your phones and by not having to redo incorrect orders. Additionally, guests with allergies or dietary restrictions will have the opportunity to pass this information in writing with their order. Another thing you will not have to worry about!


Advantage #3: You Keep Your Profits

At this point, we are all familiar with how third-party platforms like UberEats or Doordash take an outrageous percentage from every order. And if that wasn’t enough, they also charge you fees on top. There is a better way! Having your own online ordering system for restaurants integrated into your POS is the ideal solution. But, if your point of sales system does not have online ordering capabilities then a stand-alone system is your best alternative. A standalone system allows you to keep your profits while only being charged the internet minimum when it comes to credit card processing percentage. A lot less than the industry standard when it comes to third-party online ordering platforms.


Advantage #4: Your Marketing and Data Collection Can Automate

Those who have the data have the advantage. Unlike when you work with a third-party delivery platform, you get to keep all your customer’s information. After all, these are your clients. This allows you to market and offer repeat-business promotions to your customers. The data you collect in the process allows you to create more effective marketing on a consistent basis, month after month. Small note, Webdiner can also help you with that. In fact, clients who use our online ordering system get even better results because it provides you with more information! Learn more about it here.


Advantage #5: Your Own Online Ordering System is customizable for Your Menu and More

Setting up an online ordering menu for the Internet is part Art and a lot of Science. Having your restaurant menu professionally set up means maximizing your profits. It also allows your restaurant to make real-time changes to the menu and alert customers of any important information. The best online ordering systems for restaurants give your customers the option for contactless pickup, curbside pickup, and other forward-thinking safety measures. Another advantage is you can add photos of your items which can always help to increase your order size.

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